
by Amber de Wolde, Senior People Partner @ Veriff


increase in unique content creators


increase in onboarding satisfaction


Amber知道Veriff现有的学习工具阻碍了公司的发展,无法满足大规模的人员增长需求. When she discovered Sana, Amber看到了创建一个学习和知识共享的单一目的地的潜力,这符合公司日益分散但根本上是协作的文化.


将Sana作为端到端学习平台的实施帮助Amber促进了Veriff公司范围内的知识共享, increase employee onboarding satisfaction ratings by 20%, 并且通过不必购买单独的销售支持工具来简化成本.

“Sana was the end-to-end learning platform we had been waiting for. It isn’t just a tool for L&D or People Partners. It’s a tool for everyone. 我知道Sana将对我们整个员工的长期体验产生积极的影响.”

Amber de Wolde · Senior People Partner

Increasing engagement by creating one home for learning

分散的公司知识和学习不仅会减慢员工的速度, it limits contextual understanding and hurts learner engagement. When I set out on my search for a new learning solution for Veriff, 我知道我想要一个端到端的工具,可以成为一个单一的目的地. How could we have most, if not all, 知识和学习在一个地方,所以人们甚至不需要考虑它? That was the first real use case for us when we found Sana.

Sana was the end-to-end learning platform we had been waiting for. It isn’t just a tool for L&D or People Partners; it’s a tool for everyone. 我知道Sana将对我们整个员工的长期体验产生积极的影响. 今天,我最自豪的是,Sana在Veriff已经成为一个动词. 每个人都知道这是他们应该学习和获取知识的地方. Stakeholders automatically go there to create a course. 他们甚至不需要停下来思考——这只是人们在工作中所做的不可分割的一部分.

Enabling sales without a separate enablement tool

Since founding in 2015, Veriff has been on an extraordinary growth journey, reaching Unicorn status with our Series C funding in 2022. 随着企业销售活动的扩大,团队对实现的需求也在增加. 但是我不确定单独的实现工具是否是正确的方法. 我的Enablement同事和我很快意识到我们正在同时寻找一个公司范围的LMS和销售Enablement工具,并立即决定联合起来. Veriff有一个强大的目标,允许人们垂直和跨职能地成长. 在像Sana这样的全公司范围的学习平台上运行销售支持,为我们提供了支持这一目标的透明度和可访问性. 

我们目前的重点是通过现场会议和自定进度学习的组合,将Sana嵌入到营收组织中. To achieve this, I'm working with a range of stakeholders, particularly sales team leads, and encouraging them, among other things, to host their team meetings in Sana. 这是让更多员工在非正式环境中习惯这个平台的好方法. 由于Sana的测验等互动功能,它还使这些会议更具吸引力和包容性, reflection cards, and polls. Once this phase is complete, we’ll move on to rolling out a blended Sales Academy, 从在萨那开办Veriff领导学院中学到的经验.

Increasing employee onboarding satisfaction at scale

Next on my list after streamlining tools was a smoother, more flexible employee onboarding experience. Here, 我们受益于Sana在一个综合平台上提供自定进度和现场小组学习. Because content in Sana is so much more interactive, we started switching more live sessions into self-paced courses. 我们看到,在新员工入职的第一周,背靠背的现场培训让他们不知所措. 现场培训仍然是入职培训的一部分,但我们现在更有选择性了. It feels great knowing we can offer a more flexible experience, especially for employees working across different time zones.

我们也有一个量化的动机来改善我们的入职体验. 随着Veriff在更大的时区范围内的扩展和分布, our formerly good onboarding satisfaction ratings began to drop. 没过多久我们就意识到我们最初的入职实践不再适合我们的目的了. As soon as we implemented Sana, we saw ratings go up again. 最大的胜利之一是让人们以自己的节奏吸收信息,同时保留我们最具影响力的群体时刻, 比如我们的首席执行官兼创始人,他仍然会与每一组新加入的人见面,现场讨论Veriff的历史和愿景. 

正如Veriff的协作文化一样,入职是一项团队工作. Sana的协作编辑器和模板帮助我和我的团队为内部利益相关者的成功做好了准备. Today, 我们的内部利益相关者负责向新员工传授他们各自领域的知识, and we’re there to support. 我们用很多Sana的课程模板补充了我们的内部培训材料,并使用了自定义品牌功能,这样每个人都知道什么来自Veriff,什么来自Sana.

“The biggest thing that stood out about Sana, and I say this to everyone who asks, was that everyone could be a creator. You’d be surprised how many LMSs don’t have that as an option.”

Amber de Wolde · Senior People Partner

Empowering everyone to pass on their knowledge

The biggest thing that stood out about Sana, and I say this to everyone who asks, was that everyone could be a creator. You’d be surprised how many LMSs don’t have that as an option. 我们之前的学习解决方案不提供协作编辑,而且非常有限. 我们不可能让很多人同时学习一门课程, and the content wasn’t engaging. Today, all our learners can be creators at no extra cost.

Since implementing Sana, 我们发现内容创造者的数量增加了6倍——从之前的10个增加到60个. And the numbers are rising weekly. 我们的内部利益相关者利用Sana的互动功能,如民意调查, quizzes, and flip cards to make their content more engaging.

Beyond formal learning, 我们正在尝试将Sana作为日常会议工具,利用会议模板和bwin足球平台会议摘要和转录. Sana非常适合举办研讨会,因为它的互动性很强. People don’t even need a slide deck anymore; they can just build and host everything directly in Sana. It really feels like the possibilities are limitless.

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